Saturday, August 16, 2008

Besdoung Acharayahk

This Ntry dubbed Lakorn was a pretty good lakorn. Kob and Num are a good match. Kob's character MO-ree is an aspiring artist who is also very open and free spirited. Num's character Taychoe is a cold hearted rich man who doesnt even kno the meaning of LOVE. MO desperately needs money to help her older step brother keep his rescue mission he made for kids who have no place to go. MO was offered a job teaching art to Taychoe (Num). Taychoe gradually starts to fall for MO-REE and it was likewise for Mo too. UNTIL>>> Taychoe gets into a car accident with Maytimh, Mo's step brother who she gave her heart too. Maytimh later dies and taychoes to blame. taychoe needed a HEART transplant so they too Maytimh's and gave it to him. MO later found out and hates him more than ever. IN the end they later set aside their differences and learned how to live together. NOW, i really hated the dubbing voices. there were only four and the pra ek and nang ek voices were only used once. which leaves the other male and female voices dubbing like 10 15 other characters in this Lakorn. you wouldnt kno who's who unless you were watching the lakorn. Part of Why i like Mayura voice Production Better. You can agree to Disagree with me on that if you want! just leave a comment =)

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